“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4 NKJV)
When you look around at the success of evil in history, and especially in our day, you can see that the enemy has great power. Think of our world and all that it is going through in terms of agony, struggle, evil, violence, and heartache, with confusion abounding on every side. When we think of the violence, the passion, the tears, and the death with which our world is characterised, we can see something of the greatness of the power of the enemy. The situation portrays a picture that looks as if other side is winning.
But it isn’t – despite all the appearances. John says, “You overcame them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” In other words, it was not anything you have that will deliver you, it is the one who dwelt within you. It was the greatness of God that kept the Christians of John’s day straight and this is what will keep us straight today. God is greater than the power of the enemy. God is so incomparably greater that there is no argument about it. It is to this fact that our eye of faith must always turn in hours of darkness, discomfort, or despair. Our focus should be on what the Scriptures reveal as the truth about God and how incomparably greater He is than anything that is present among or behind humans.
Know for sure that the weakness of God is stronger than humans, and the foolishness of God is wiser than humans. This is the greatness of God.
Life Application
Our focus should be on what the Scriptures reveal as the truth about God and how incomparably greater He is than anything that is present among or behind humans.